Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Google Books - What's going on with it now?


Google books has been in the works for seven years now. And during these seven years, Google's huge endeavor to scan millions of books and create a free online library for the public, has undergone much opposition, mainly from publishers and authors of these works that have been planned to become public. In the most recent development, in a case between the U.S. Authors Guild and Google, Judge Denny Chin has ruled against Google, leaving Google with the decision on how to proceed from here. There has been discussion that Google may push for the passing of an Orphan Law which would allow published works whose copyrights are unclaimed to be published online for general public viewing. There has also been other talk of reforming the laws regarding the current copyright system to better reflect the growing digital age we are currently in. I think that this is a great idea - while the old system and its laws might have worked well for physical records, books, and other works, it is a system that simply cannot be applied to today's world of online downloads, torrents, file transfers, and the various other technologies that are coming out almost daily. I think that Congress really should look into a better way to manage copyrights and piracy issues, even if it means making new legislation or changing around entirely how things are currently done.

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