In today's age of online social networks, dating, and life in general, it's hardly surprising to learn that technology has once again crossed the line in its involvement in our lives. But even with everything I've heard of and seen, this new application by Facebook is still very shocking to me. This new Facebook app called "WaitingRoom" allows its users to let their love interests know that they are waiting for them to become available and leave messages for them. In order for the said love interest to find out who's been leaving them messages, they must change their relationship status on Facebook to "Single" for at least 48 hours.
The app uses natural human curiosity to fuel the service, but it also has the potential to break apart relationships and get outside intruders involved in relationships like never before. I think that in this case, the app has taken things too far. Sure, it may be somewhat fun and a good idea, but in the long term, it is exploiting natural curiosity and causing trouble for established couples.
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